Engelhardt GmbH
Deutschordenstrasse 50-54
74653 Künzelsau-Nitzenhausen
Phone: +49 7905 1061
Fax: +49 7905 5209
E-Mail: info(at)
Robin Michel
Register Court:
District Court of Stuttgart
Register Number HRB 590380 K
Tax Identification Number:
DE 146314922
VAT No.:
76001/02817 Tax Office Öhringen
Concerning the contents person responsible according
to § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Martin Michel
Phone: +49 7905 1061 / Fax: +49 7905 5209
E-Mail: martin.michel(at)
Disclaimer of liability
We have provided these web pages for you with the greatest possible care. The Engelhardt GmbH is able to do still no guarantee for the completeness, correctness, supra, the contained information guarantee. Hence, we must exclude any liability for material defect and legal faults which result directly or indirectly from the use of our Internet-offer of information. We reserve ourselves the partial or entire setting of the company of these web pages.
In spite of careful content controls we assume no liability for the contents of external links or refers, for the contents of the link sides are responsible excluding their operators.
The layout of this web presentation, the used graphics, pictures as well as single contributions are protected by copyright. The sides may be multiplicated only with explicit approval and changes be carried out. © Copyright 2007 by ENGELHARDT GMBH. All rights reserved.
Severability clause
Provided that parts or single formulations of this disclaimer of liability of the valid legal situation should not correspond, the remaining parts of her validity keep.